Achieving more

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

Here’s my happiness list

What's on yours?

How often do you stop and think about what’s really important for your personal happiness? What activities seriously lift your mood – without giving you a hangover afterwards? In this extract from one of my books – I’ll tell you mine.

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

What's selling all about

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

Most people in business say ‘I don’t like selling’ or ‘I don’t want our marketing to be salesy‘ … and I absolutely get that. No one wants to be viewed as a ‘cheezy, sleazy’ salesperson, do they? But if being ‘salesy’ is absolutely not what selling is about, what’s the secret?

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

Start with why but...

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

A great many business and marketing consultants have fallen in love with Simon Sinek and his book, ‘Start with why’… but not everyone is that keen on Sinek’s ideas, and here’s why!

The number one secret to success in sales

The simple solution that most people ignore

#1 secret to sales success. Paul Claireaux

The number one secret to success in sales

The simple solution that most people ignore

If you’re interested in selling (or you need your team to sell) a lot more of your products or services for the same or less effort, then this Insight is for you. This is also probably the most valuable business tip I know.

Powerful and proven ideas to help you

and your family achieve more of what matters

Powerful and proven ideas

Powerful and proven ideas to help you

and your family achieve more of what matters

Hey there, welcome to my freebies page where, if you’re quick, you can download all these useful goodies. All I ask in return is that you sign up to my occasional Newsletter, which, of course, you can opt-out of any time you like. 

No one cares how much you know

until they know how much you care

Roosevelt. No one cares how much you know

No one cares how much you know

until they know how much you care

No one cares, how much you know until they know how much you care What a truly brilliant insight that is. It comes from Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt, U.S. president from 1901 to 1909, and I think some business leaders could learn a lesson from this. If you want to motivate people to work with you,…

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