Education-first marketing offers 25 business benefits – as listed below.

So, most financial service firms offer some educational content, but very few become trusted (go-to) places for answers to key money questions.

The leaders offer Accurate, Balanced, and Compelling (ABC) content; I help them with that, and I’m now offering my core content to you for about 90% less than it would cost you to create.

Let’s talk if you’d like to learn more.

Does educational content work?

Yes, my first client told me that the educational content I created with them was the ‘clincher’ for landing TESCO and other FTSE Companies as clients for their services.

Two of my clients were finalists for the prestigious Workplace Savings and Benefits ‘Financial Education Provider’ award – and two others tell me that the content I created for them is described as ‘superb’ by their chartered financial planner clients.

Great educational content boosts your reputation, attracts new clients, and retains those you have; the testimonials here, from consumers and business clients, prove it.

But these are only a few of the 25 benefits of an education-first approach to your marketing. Click below, on the 25 benefits tab, to learn more.

What’s on this page?

  • Under tabs 1 to 6:  I reveal why educational content is essential for advice firms to thrive in our digital age.
  • Under tabs 7 to 15:  I answer the frequently asked questions on my NEW ‘Content-to-Go’ service.

You can also:

  1. E-mail me here with any questions you have – just fire away.
  2. Book a meeting here to explore all your options for building a content library – to avoid the costly mistakes many make!
  3. Visit the shop to see what (licensable) consumer-facing insights I offer.
"Brilliant: I feel empowered to change things now"Naomi, workshop attendee
Paul is a unique personal finance communications expert. Technically solid, highly creative, flexible in his approach and not afraid to challenge ideas. Jason Butler, FPFS, Head of Financial Education at Salary Finance – and author of the FT’s Guide to Wealth
Paul is exceptionally skilled at interpreting research and pays real attention to detail. He tuns ideas into excellent quality content, and is passionate about the need for plain English. We're delighted with the consumer-facing insights he's worked with us to produce. Carolyn Weir. Manager. Fidelity Adviser Solutions
"The author's easy style will guide even experienced investors through ideas overlooked in most investment books"Magneto, Amazon book review
Paul’s research, technical and writing skills were valuable to Money Alive. He shares our passion for simplifying the complex. And he offers Insights beyond the brief - drawing on his industry experience. Ian Beestin. Co-Founder, Money Alive
"The one sheet money mapping exercise is awesome"Georgina, workshop attendee
"Fabulous, education is the key to financial freedom"Sarah, workshop attendee
Paul is a great thinking partner on personal finance and behavioural science issues. And he does not sugarcoat the truth, a gift we need need to thrive.Alina Burlacu, PFS, Financial Education Champion, 2023
"Paul's educational works equip you - to have a more rewarding relationship with your money”George Cooper, Author of Fixing Economics
Paul's enthusiasm for helping our business deliver financial education has been everything we could have hoped for. He goes beyond what's expected with fantastic input and feedback.Ian Dickinson, MD Lifetime Financial Management

1. Do your client prospects know *anything* about financial planning?

You and I know that financial planning is a high-value service – whether offered by a financial planner, adviser, or coach – where that person is competent at the work.

However, most people know little or nothing about the value of financial planning. As we can see from the blue line in this chart, almost no one ever searches for it!

For information, the search numbers for financial coaching are down there with financial planning, too.

So, there’s a massive ‘awareness’ gap about financial planning and coaching.

Personal Finance Search Terms. Paul Claireaux

The fact is – a great many people are sceptical about the value of financial planning. And the confusion about the difference between financial advisers, robo advisors, financial planners, life planners, wealth managers, financial coaches and more – does not help.

So, to help you address these issues, I’ve written a consumer-facing insight called ‘Should you pay for advice?’

And yes, of course, for the right reasons, I make the point in that insight that we absolutely should pay for personal financial advice – and other professional services!

That Insight is currently on special offer, so you might want to grab it before the price goes back up.

2. What do your clients *and* introducers value most?

We’ve known for decades what consumers (and introducers) value most from a professional adviser.

We know what clients value most. Paul Claireaux

People love to gain insights into their financial challenges and get some sound solution ideas.

The problem now is that they expect to have access to those ideas immediately.

Of course, clients were more patient in the pre-digital age – because they had to be, but those days are now largely gone.

As Marcus Sheridan, a respected business adviser and author of the book ‘They Ask, You Answer’, says,

”too often firms make the mistake of avoiding customer questions, saying ‘lets wait until we’re face to face in conversation’ “

In the modern digital world, this rarely cuts any ice with consumers.

And, as Sheridan says, that phrase is:

…a big turn-off for customers – who can easily find other people who’ll go out of their way to provide full and honest answers to their questions”

‘Your goal’, says Sheridan, ‘must be to establish your company as the No 1 resource in your space’

Of course, not everyone can be number one, but a good many firms can build a reputation as a ‘go-to’ place for reliable answers to money questions.

And a few (like my clients) will also reach the finals for some prestigious awards.

For more on how to thrive in a digital world, read Will Page’s ‘Tarzan Economics’ or follow Gary Vaynerchuk, one of the guys small business owners now turn to for business growth advice.

Vaynerchuk urges us to give away all of our best ideas for FREE.

Yes, it sounds crazy until you learn that this approach has built him a tribe of 30 million followers.

Gary says that 99% of people never apply his ideas on their own.

People want advice that’s tailored to their unique situation.

And precisely the same applies to your financial planning or coaching services, right?

In this digital age, 40% to 80% of consumers (depending on the service) now decide on their supplier before making contact.

That’s not surprising, is it?

You and I review suppliers before hiring them, so we can’t expect our clients to act differently, can we?

Of course, nothing has changed in that clients still value ideas and insights above everything else.

It’s just that they expect to access those Insights before they meet with us.

So, if you have no engaging insights to offer, you may only get a fraction of the enquiries you could, or a high proportion of your enquiries may not suit your services.

Sound familiar?

3. Could educational content be the key to your success?

Sharing Insights is KEY. Paul Claireaux

Becoming known as a ‘go-to’ place for reliable and fascinating answers to money questions could attract many more of the right people to your website.

That much is obvious, but I appreciate that this may not be important to you if you have enough referral business from existing clients and professional connections for now.

Just be aware that if you don’t offer any Insights, your business’s risks will increase over time.

Your clients (and professional connections) will inevitably start seeing other firms as their ‘go-to’ place for answers to key money questions.

Yes, if your clients are loyal enough to tell you what else they’ve been exploring, you can always dismiss any ‘flaky’ ideas they’ve latched onto.

But people seldom tell us when they’re getting itchy feet. And let’s face it: Some firms now post seriously good quality content. I know – I work with some of them!

So, please don’t ignore your need for this educational bridge to your clients – and introducers.

Once you have some Insights in place, those assets will promote you and show your warmth and competence (see tab 5 for why this matters) all day long.

Yes, there’s a small cost to put those assets in place, but there’s no further charge for them to promote you every day.

What’s more, where it’s necessary, you can use your Insights to signpost your readers to other reliable sources of help like these FREE and Government recommended services:

What’s not known by many outside of the financial planning world is that:

For the over-50s, there’s the Pension Wise service, which offers an hour’s consultation on generic pension questions.

For questions on state benefits, there are:

The people there can also point your readers to explanations of how state benefits are calculated and affected if you start work or change your working hours.

And then there are organisations like Step Change, National Debtline, or Citizens Advice that provide reliable and FREE advice to those struggling to pay priority bills or make payments on credit cards, personal loans or other debts.

So, you can provide extensive guidance to a wide range of people without getting personally involved in the process.

This part of your content strategy may be relevant to your future business, too – given that c.65% of adult inheritors say they will not use their parents’ advisers after they inherit. (Source Schroders/Adviser Home)

Either way, your core money Insights should bring the right people back to you when they need your help.

4. Could you give your clients a better view of your services?

Stepping Stones to Value. Paul Claireaux

Research (from LangCat and others) suggests that most advised clients appreciate the value of financial planning after they experience that service.

However, it’s hard to explain that value to someone who’s not experienced it.

They’re standing on that red dot (above), too far from your services to see what’s involved.

Mostly, it’s only when people realise they have a financial challenge that they start exploring the available solutions and, hopefully, seeking sound guidance or advice.

That’s why I design my consumer-facing Insights as stepping stones to advice, planning, and coaching.

We must help people consider and confront their financial obstacles before it’s too late.

What’s more, we now have years of research (by Psychologist Gabrielle Oettingen) proving this strategy is effective in helping people achieve more in their lives.

So, there’s really nothing not to like about it.

5. How do you deal with the *trust* issue' in financial services?

The confusion between the various advice services and the concern about value for money are really just parts of a bigger issue in financial services: a lack of trust.

Yes, well-advised clients trust their advisers, but we cannot ignore the fact that, in general, trust in financial services has sat at the bottom of the Edelman Trust barometer for years.

Indeed, financial services only got off the bottom of the table in 2023 when Edelman added a new industry sector: Social Media!

Of course, this begs the question of whether it makes sense to focus on direct-to-consumer platforms if very few people trust them, but we’ll save that issue for another day. Edelman Trust Barometer. Paul Claireaux

More importantly, there’s some fascinating research* into how we’re perceived by others, which can inform what we should focus on to build more trust with consumers.

And it turns out that two factors (our ‘Warmth’ and ‘Competence’) have the biggest positive effect.

So, I developed this simplified version of a trust equation for business.

Trust Equation. Paul Claireaux.

You’ll notice it’s similar to (but simpler than) the trust equation in the Trusted Advisor book by Maister, Green and Malford – and I’m happy to explain my thinking for that – if you wish to explore it further.

In short, I’m broadly with Charles Green on what drives trust in business. I’ve just simplified the equation!

Unsurprisingly, there are other formulae for trust, like this one, which uses the words ‘Benevolence’ instead of ‘Warmth’, ‘Ability’ instead of ‘Competence’ and ‘Integrity’ as an additional factor.

And that all makes sense, too, but I view someone’s integrity (the fact that they adhere to good behaviour principles) as a combination of their warmth (do they care about our well-being?) and their competence.

More importantly, the research* clearly shows that we are judged by our warmth before our capability is considered, which makes perfect sense from an evolutionary perspective.

We survived in the past by first asking  – are they friend or foe?

Of course, some wise people worked this out long before the Psychologists proved it.

Roosevelt. No one cares how much you know. Paul Claireaux

Given that most buying decisions are made before we’re contacted, the critical question for us is how we demonstrate warmth and competence before a conversation.

Testimonials and other forms of social proof are helpful, of course.

However, you can’t beat relevant money Insights, written in plain English and a warm conversational style, to show you genuinely care for your audience.

How many financial websites offer that?

* Research reference: Fiske, Susan T., Amy J. C. Cuddy, and Peter Glick. “Universal Dimensions of Social Cognition: Warmth and Competence” Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11, no. 2 (2007)

6. The 25 benefits of education-first marketing.

If you’d like me to send you a colourful slide deck on the 25 ways educational marketing will boost your business, e-mail me at

Add the subject line ‘Send me the 25 ways’, and I’ll send you the pack.

25 ways to boost your business 2. Paul Claireaux

You can then tailor the slide deck and use it to promote an initiative within your business to make your firm a ‘go-to’ provider of financial education – regardless of who you work with on the content.

The colourful pack is worth having, but in the meantime, in plain text, here are the:

25 benefits of putting education at the heart of your business.

  1. You show your clients, prospects, and team that you care about their well-being. And this is vital because ‘no one cares what we know until they know we care! ‘
  2. You obtain a stream of engaging ‘outreach’ marketing messages derived from your new content for FREE!
  3. By explaining your proposition clearly in writing or in a video, you learn to focus more of your messages on the elements that add the most value to your clients.
  4. This exercise creates a feedback loop for your proposition set. It helps you decide where to discontinue a service if it adds little or no value.
  5. That allows you to focus on building and refining the services that add the most value. Regular reviews of your proposition set are vital to your success.
  6. When your clients (and their family and friends) consume your Insights between review meetings, they make better money decisions and avoid scams and other big mistakes.
  7. You engage the next generation before it’s too late. (Did you know that c. 65% of inheritors don’t plan to stay with their parents’ advisers? Source: Schroders and Adviser Home. 
  8. Helping clients grasp a key (financial or behavioural) concept before you meet gives them more value from their time with you. You then focus more on your client’s personal questions and on co-developing their plan, building on the ideas they’ve already explored.
  9. Client meetings are shorter (or less rushed and stressful) when you don’t have to explain basic concepts your clients learned on your website.
  10. Your clients will feel more comfortable with advice if it is consistent with (reinforces) what they’ve read (or watched in a video) on your website before your meetings.
  11. Equipping everyone with the same solid consumer-facing Insights reduces a significant risk to your business. Research (from Oxford Risk) has revealed a serious problem of inconsistent advice from different team members of one large firm.  
  12. You demonstrate to the FCA that you’re addressing their requirements around ‘Consumer understanding.’
  13. You’ll attract and convert more clients to your services. If your content is relevant and good enough, your existing clients will share it with their family and friends.
  14. Your clients will see more value in your ongoing services. So, fewer clients will move to other advisers or give up on advice and become DIY investors.
  15. You’ll waste less time on unsuitable enquiries if your content clearly states who you can help and provides signposts to other reliable services for those you cannot.
  16. You’ll reduce your firm’s lead time – for prospects to become clients – because your content will help you build trust before and after client meetings.
  17. You’ll save on preparation time for training your team by using your client-facing content as training material.
  18. When your training incorporates client-facing content, it’s more fun, and the ideas are more relatable and memorable.
  19. You’ll retain more of your best staff and find it easier to recruit new quality staff – because bright candidates like working for purposeful businesses – that focus on education.
  20. You’ll gain more client referrals from professional connections. These people are hard to please, but they will share good quality Insights with their clients for you.
  21. Your business can expand into (or win more) employee well-being work. There’s a lot of demand for this, and only a few competent players.
  22. You’ll enhance your reputation as a firm that helps others. You might win a prestigious ‘Financial Educator’ award or become known as a firm committed to improving financial literacy.
  23. You could also become known as a consumer champion if you warn people of the SCAMS and lies of the bad actors outside the financial services industry.
  24. You’ll help clients (and their families) build their capabilities and confidence around money. Research on ‘Self-Efficacy’ (by psychologist Albert Bandura) showed that our sense of our own abilities is critical for us to want to engage in our life challenges.
  25. You make the whole subject of money and investing less scary. Let’s face it: These topics are monsters for many people, so excellent education is essential.

Real financial education transforms. Paul Claireaux

7. Who does my NEW licensed content aim to help?

Audience. Paul ClaireauxThese licensed Insights aim to help non-experts make better decisions about money.

So, they’re written in a way that talks directly (in a conversational style) to potential clients of financial advisers, planners or coaches.

Of course, in the license agreement for this content, the ‘Customer’ is you, the adviser, planner, or coach.

Standard pricing is set to make the content easily affordable to smaller firms.

Prices for larger advice-type firms (and other types of business) are available on request to

8. How is the content priced?

How much cat. Paul Claireaux

The standard prices for licensable Insights from the content shop depend on the work involved in producing each item.

It takes a considerable amount of time to:

  1. Develop a compelling title and subtitle, and change them as you develop the content!
  2. Conduct proper research to check all your factual claims – a task on which Chat GPT fails.
  3. Structure the content into a series of sections, like short chapters.
  4. Draft, restructure and edit the content, possibly many times for longer works – which are proven to engage people the most.
  5. Create or select appropriate images to bring your ideas to life.
  6. Edit again to remove any surplus words. (Don’t pay a writer by the word; you want clarity, not padding)
  7. Edit again after your ‘nearly complete’ draft has been honestly and harshly reviewed (for understandability and interest) by people in the group you’re targeting with this work.
  8. Finish the Insight with a copy edit, or use an AI App like Grammarly to suggest improvements.

Assuming you follow a similar process (and allow for some internal reviews of the content across your business), you’ll find that my prices for licensed educational content are about 90% less than the cost of creating your own.

So, if you’re building (or adding to) an educational library, you could save enormous sums of money.

The bottom line is that using our good-quality licensed content could save you around £100,000—and possibly much more—over a few years.

You can explore these costs in this other Insight  and please ask me any further questions you have about value for money – and why your own costs could be ten times (or more) than the cost of my licensed content.

Priced for smaller firms

My standard prices in the content shop apply to firms employing seven or fewer client-facing advisers, planners or coaches.

When you invest in a license to use my content, you confirm this status at the checkout.

Of course, I am happy to quote prices for larger firms.

The prices depend on the number of advisers/coaches you employ, but rest assured, your license costs per adviser/coach are much lower than for smaller firms.

Prices for larger firms are available on request by emailing me at with the subject line ‘Licensed Content Price Enquiry’.

If you run a large advice firm (or other business in Fund Management, Employee Benefits, Education or Training services, etc.), you may prefer to have bespoke (tailor-made) content – including ‘derivative’ content based on what’s in my shop.

We can discuss a contract for such work if you e-mail me in the first instance with the subject line ‘Bespoke Content Creation Enquiry’.

Please be aware that you’re not permitted to create ‘derivative’ versions of my licensed content.

The reasons are explained below, but in short, this is about protecting both of our reputations.

9. What are you (the adviser, planner or coach) responsible for?

What you are responsible for. Paul ClaireauxOur licensed Insights:

  • Are designed for you to equip your clients and others to make better money decisions.
  • Clearly signpost the areas where your professional help could add significant value to their lives.
  • Are all carefully researched and written to be accurate and balanced (fair and not misleading in FCA terms)  

That said, you must check that any content you license:

  • Serves the purpose you need it for.
  • Complies with any regulations you’re bound by. (Compliance managers’ views do vary)
  • Is removed from public display if it becomes outdated or no longer compliant.

10. How can you use this licensed content?

How could you use the content. Paul Claireaux

As I’ve shown above, an education-first approach to marketing offers up to twenty-five benefits to your business and clients. And many of those benefits apply to licensed and tailor-made content.

My license agreement permits you to use the content:

  • To raise your firm’s reputation as a ‘go-to’ place for answers to money questions – in the eyes of your clients and their family and friends.
  • To prompt enquiries for your services, to gain new and retain existing clients.
  • To promote your services to professional connections – to encourage referral business.
  • For in-house training – to encourage your team to use plain English, consumer-friendly, and consistent descriptions of financial concepts.
  • In presentations to your clients and prospects to better prepare them for advice.
  • To inform and complement descriptions of financial concepts in your client reports.

You are free to:

  • Brand the content with your firm’s colours, logo, business and contact details.
  • Change the images if you need to and can without corrupting the messages.
  • Add your own regulatory warnings.
  • Add your own ‘call to action’ messages to direct readers to those who can offer further assistance.
  • Produce the content in multiple formats  – such as blog posts, downloadable guides or videos.

11. How are you not permitted to use our content?

How you may not use our content. Paul ClaireauxSo, you have considerable freedom to use this content – which should help you obtain many of those 25 benefits outlined above.

Just be aware that you are not permitted to:

  1. Re-sell (or give away) the rights to use the licensed content to any other person or organisation.
  2. Re-use any images or video clips (from the licensed content) in any other works (created by you or others) without purchasing the licence from the stock image owner or provider, including myself, for my images.
  3. Change any core messages in the Insights, or create your own ‘derivative’ works from mine, without my permission*
  4. Use my name on any content you license. I remain anonymous on all works I supply to other firms.
  5. Claim any personal authorship of the content.
    • However, you may display ‘Written by XYZ writers’ on the content, where XYZ is your firm’s name.
    • You can also display ‘Presented by [your name]’ when presenting the licensed content within or outside your business.

* Note that my approach differs from that of some licensed content providers, who offer content only as ‘drafts’ for you to amend as you see fit.

I strive to offer extremely high-quality (accurate, balanced, and compelling) educational content to small business owners who lack the time, desire, skills, or budget to create their own.

So, it’s in your interests, and ours, to ensure that no one corrupts this content to make it:

  • Inaccurate.
  • Imbalanced.
  • Dull and boring.

Is that fair?

Great educational content will help you build trust in your business, but it can only do that if it tells the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

How much content from financial service providers in the market today do you (or your clients) trust to do that?

Truth, whole truth and nothing but. Paul Claireaux

I’d hope you’d agree that there’s already enough misleading or low-quality nonsense content in the market.

We have no wish to add to that pile!

Of course, I’m not suggesting that you would corrupt our content, but sadly, we have experience of some people doing that.

So, I’ve applied this rule to the license to protect all of our customers. None of us wants similar-looking content (with the same high-impact images) in the market—unless it’s of the highest quality, right?

To allow anything else undermines all our efforts.

Just remember:

You can brand this content to your business style – in your own colours with your own images – provided those new images don’t corrupt the messages.

And, you can add your own call to action and replace the term financial adviser with ‘planner’, ‘coach’, ‘wealth manager’ etc.

We must ensure, however, that these Insights retain their integrity – and pass the ABC (accurate, balanced and compelling) quality tests.

To be clear, I’m also not suggesting that any Insight I write is the final word on that topic.

I’ll aim to constantly improve these Insights – with any updated or improved versions placed directly into the content shop for existing license holders to download for FREE.

I may also create derivative versions of our content. And will be pleased to hear ideas for content improvements from our licensed content customers.

If you read an insight you’d like to use in your business, purchase a license to use it.

If you have ideas for improving our Insights, read tab 13 on how to advise us.

12. Exception to the 'no-change' rule outside the UK

Much of my content will be universal in application, which means it should be useful (as supplied) for explaining financial (and personal development) concepts wherever you are in the world.

However, some of my Insights refer to UK-specific financial products and taxes. So, of course, if you’re based outside the UK, you may amend the content to align with your local financial product and tax rules.

For information, at some point, I may wish to work with a financial planner based in the US to help convert this content for that market.

I am already working with a leading UK-based financial planner – to check this content. So, this approach would work well in other markets.

If you’re a qualified financial planner in the US, and this is of interest to you – please get in touch at

13. What if you *really* want to change our content?

So you want to change the content. Paul ClaireauxOur licensed content is primarily created for small firms (1 to 5 advisers/coaches) that lack the skills, desire, time, or funds to create their own content but value the accuracy, balance, and style of what we produce.

So, I’d expect requests to change our content to be rare, but I absolutely welcome improvement suggestions – submitted before you license the content.

I don’t want you to spend money on our content if you want something substantially different. And I’m keen to avoid the hassle and cost of issuing refunds.

Of course, I’ll never agree to any requests to make our content inaccurate, imbalanced or dull.

I’m sure we’d agree that the financial world already has enough of that nonsense!

My aim is to raise standards in financial education with content that passes those ABC tests.

To create trustworthy content – that genuinely helps you to engage more clients.

Indeed, I hope our content helps some of you reach the finals for a prestigious Educator of the Year award, as it has done for some of my other clients.

So, subject to adding your own calls to action, etc, our content should be ready for you to use.

Which is why we’ve called it our ‘content-to-go’ service!

That said, if you’d like to suggest improvements, please e-mail them to me at, and I will, as soon as time permits, take one of the following three actions:

  1. If the requested change is minor and improves the content, I’ll likely approve it for your use.
    • I may also implement your suggested changes when revising the content.
    • Either way, any minor changes will be reviewed free of charge as time allows.
    • If you wish to suggest improvements to my Insights, please copy the content from my post into a Microsoft Word document. Then, clearly show your suggested amends using Word’s ‘tracked changes’ feature. 
  2. If the request is for a moderate change (more than minor changes or, say, slicing a long guide into two), I may create those new items if I feel there’s a market for them and will make them available free of charge to all who hold licenses for that product.
  3. If you request a completely unique Insight for your business, we could discuss a bespoke content creation contract, subject to my availability.

Please be aware that I have a limited capacity for bespoke content creation contracts.

And I rarely undertake ‘one-off’ bespoke works.

As you’ll know from your financial planning work, ‘one-off’ tasks are seldom financially viable. And the same applies to content creation work.

It takes a lot of time to get to know a business leader and agree on all elements of a content brief – to ensure the content is tailored to their particular audience and their style requirements.

So, I’ve designed this new licensed content to work for a wide range of advisers, planners and coaches.

I aim to help you engage your clients and prospects (and your introducers) in the fundamentals of personal finance – to help more people make better financial decisions.

Your ‘call to action’ words (which connect these core Insights to your service offerings) are entirely up to you.

14. What is a 'lifetime' license?

I’m committed to helping you engage more clients to your valuable services – for the long term.

So, until further notice, any license agreement on the content I supply will continue for:

  1. The life of your business  – or until you sell or transfer a majority stake in your business to a third party.
  2. The life of my business – including where sold or transferred it to a third party.

Any questions, just shout!

15. Is it easy to use this licensed content service?

Yes, absolutely, I’ve designed this service to be extremely easy to use. Just follow these steps.

  1. Read and decide which Insight(s) you like.
  2. Add them to the basket from our shop here which is also linked from each licensable Insight.
  3. Pay for the license from our checkout page – accessible when items are in your basket.
    • You’ll only pay for the items you want – with a single payment.
    • There’s NO ongoing subscription charge.
  4. Download the Insight file text document – from the link e-mailed to you with your license receipt.
  5. Follow the instructions note (also in the link sent to you) to load the Insight to your website, along with the images – and format the post in your usual style.
  6. Promote the insight to your audiences – via your newsletter or Social Media.

And enjoy the raised awareness of your business, and increased enquiry levels which follow.

Do you have any questions?

Please e-mail me at if you have any questions.

Don’t worry if your question is covered on this page – there’s no such thing as a silly question!

And thanks for dropping in.

Oh, and the content shop is here – if you fancy a browse.