Powerful and proven ideas to help you
and your family achieve more of what matters

Hey there, welcome to my freebies page where, if you’re quick, you can download all these useful goodies.
All I ask in return is that you sign up to my occasional Newsletter, which, of course, you can opt-out of any time you like.
So, what am I giving away?
1. A different approach to your money challenges
If you’re bored by (or have other reasons for struggling to engage with) your money challenges, you might need to approach them from a very different angle.
And this proven exercise could help you with that – by helping you learn more about yourself; your unique money-life story and how that story can affect your attitudes to money and those who advise on it.
Sound more interesting than Pension and Investment Planning?
It is, so, give it a go.
I guarantee you won’t regret it… Or, if you do, I’ll refund what you paid for this insight 😉
Warning: This is a powerful exercise which has a profound emotional effect on many of those (including me) who complete it. So, it might bring you to tears of sadness… or laughter, or both of these feelings and more.
Go ahead, download it and try it
And don’t worry, you don’t need to tell anyone what you discover about yourself. Those are your secrets.
2. A fun and proven process for planning your money
If you’ve ever wondered how to map out a solid financial plan for yourself, this is for you.
Anyone can make financial planning complicated (and expensive) but is that what you want?
No, nor me. So, I’ve developed two processes to help you focus on the two essential challenges around money.
First, how you connect your money to what matters in your life – your goals for yourself and your loved ones?
Second, how you choose the right sort of boxes (and investments) for your savings towards each of those goals…
Or, as I like to say, how you ‘rate’ any investment before you jump into it. And that’s important, right?
Now, I’ve developed simple processes to help you do both of those things; you can download the first 5 step process now and I’ll send you other Insights, on the second process and more over time.
Oh, and you can rest assured… these 5-step processes are proven and solid – unlike a lot of what you’ll find online!
With a diploma in Financial Planning, I’ve been able to align these processes with the approach used by all professional financial planners.
So, you can start your plan with this process, knowing you’re on the right track if you decide to employ a financial adviser down the line. And if you make a good start on this, you could save yourself a good deal of time and money on that.
Why follow my process? Well, it’s just easier and more fun to learn than anything else out there. I know, I’ve read all the books – and written a couple too!
Sound useful? Good. Go ahead and get the process outline now
3. A template to help your teenagers budget before leaving home
This neatly laid out budget will help a student plan how they’ll spend their money, and perhaps some of yours 🙂 , after they head off to college or University.
It’s something we used to very good effect with all 5 of our children before they went off to University.
Yes, five!
And the wonderful result is that they now all understand the need to budget carefully… and they understand the fundamentals of long term financial planning too. So, they already know how to ‘rate’ any investment they’ll ever encounter in their lives. How awesome is that?
If you have children and you want them to learn more about money, start with this budget template
4. A template to get others helping you more around the house!
Yes, I know, this might seem like an ‘odd’ freebie to offer on a site like this.
But I’m all about helping people achieve more of what matters to them here. And you can’t achieve much if all day and every day is spent doing the housework right?
So this is for any parent or guardian (especially the one who does most of the housework!) who’d like to achieve a fairer balance of work around the house!
Think this is an impossible dream?
Think again – this simple method is super powerful and proven – both in our household and with a number of my friends who are parents too.
So, if you have children – or just a slightly lazy partner – I think you’ll love this one.
5. A free chapter of my book, “Who misleads you about money?”
I don’t have much to say about that really.
This book is the update of part 1 of my original two-part book, ‘Who can you trust about money?’ which is acclaimed by these experts.
This free download includes the introduction and Chapter 1.
So, you’ll see what’s in the whole book – to judge whether it might be right for you.
And if you have any questions on how I could help you, to plan money OR earn more of it at work or from your business – contact me here
Thanks for dropping in
For more ideas to achieve more in your life and make more of your money, sign up to my newsletter
As a thank you, I’ll send you my ‘5 Steps for planning your Financial Freedom’ and the first chapter of my book, ‘Who misleads you about money?’
Also, for more frequent ideas – and more interaction – you can join my Facebook group here
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