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On this site you'll find ideas to help you:

Earn more Money

With proven ideas around sales and marketing

Earn more Money

Master your Money

By understanding it, you can manage it better.

Master your Money

Plan your Money

In seven AWESOME steps, and on one sheet of paper.

Plan your Money
The Insights you'll find here will help you to:
  • Earn more money today with proven ideas for your business.
  • Connect your money to your goals – for yourself and your loved ones.
  • Avoid the big mistakes by showing you how to rate any investment, before you jump into it.

This is the education we should have had at school.

But don’t take my word for this, read what my clients say here:

"One of the best written and most engaging books of it's kind . . ."Moira O'Neill, award winning journalist, PFP editor at Investors Chronicle
"Fabulous, education is the key to financial freedom"Sarah, workshop attendee
"arm yourself for a more rewarding relationship with your money”George Cooper, Author of The Origin of Financial Crises
"I feel empowered to change things now"Naomi, workshop attendee
"The author's easy style will guide even experienced investors through ideas overlooked in most investment books"Magneto, Amazon book review
"A boring subject brought to life – with stories and cartoons"Phillipa, workshop attendee
"Brilliant, liberating, packed with everything you need to know – and entertaining along the way"Sue, Amazon book review
Wonderful, for the first time I have clarity on my financial choices. Thank you so muchJude. Coaching client
"The one sheet money mapping exercise is awesome"Georgina, workshop attendee
Hugely engaging & informative seminar. Debunking pension savings & industry myths. Great value & essential insights. Thanx! Rhys Taylor, Barrister, London.
Never get stuck on your big money questions again!

Take more control of your money by learning:

  • The priority order for dealing with money challenges.
  • How to connect your money to what matters in your life.
  • How to choose the right ‘boxes’ for YOUR money, before you dive into them.
  • How to choose the right investment risk, for each financial goal.
  • Where to obtain FREE advice on debt management and benefits.
  • Why it’s worth paying for longer term financial advice.
  • How to earn more money by working smarter, not harder.
  • And much, much more.

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