Terms of service

1. Who we are and what these terms cover

I am Paul Claireaux, and this website; www.paulclaireaux.com (“site”) is operated by my company Irate Investment Ltd, a UK limited company registered in England and Wales, Company No. 8791354 with registered office at 74 Duke Street, Barrow-In-Furness, England, LA14 1RX.

These terms cover the use of this website. By using this site, you accept these Terms and agree to abide by them. If you don’t accept these terms, please do not use this site.

These terms of service are for usage of our website services, we will engage into a contractual agreement where specific services as below are requested:

  • Assistance with content creation or marketing consultancy;
  • Purchasing licenses to use content from our website;
  • Provision of financial coaching; and
  • Any other bespoke provision of services dependent on client’s requirements.

2. Our Services

  1. We do NOT sell financial products of any kind.
  2. This site provides educational information on a variety of subjects with a focus on fundamental concepts that relate to personal finance.
  3. Our aim is to assist you in making more informed decisions about your financial plans.
  4. Our information is generic and informative only. We do NOT offer regulated financial advice.

This means we do not make specific recommendations for you to buy, sell or otherwise transact investments, or to engage in any investment strategies. Nor do we recommend you avoid doing any of these things.

You accept that you are solely responsible for the decisions you make regarding your finances and investments. And you are solely responsible for any losses you may incur from the actions you take (or do not take) having used this site or attended any educational talks we provide.

We do not take responsibility for the outcomes and consequences. It is your responsibility to satisfy yourself as to the suitability of any particular investment or action you take.

Any figures we provide, such as potential returns from various asset types held within different product wrappers, are only examples of potential outcomes. We offer no assurance that the returns from your investments will be similar to or within the range of any example figures given.

The value of shares and investments can fall (as well as rise), and you should note that you may not get back the money you invest.

You understand the need to conduct your own due diligence before implementing investments, business plans, or making other changes to your finances.

If you require specific and or financial advice on investments, we suggest you instruct a regulated financial adviser.

3. Intellectual property rights

We are the owner or licensee of all intellectual property rights in the site (for example, the copyright and any rights in the designs) and in any of the material posted on it. They are protected by copyright.

You may not, nor authorise any other party to co-brand or otherwise associate yourself with our company and this site.

You may not sell our information or make other statements regarding our company or this site without our express prior written permission.

Co-branding includes the display of a name, logo, trademark, or other means of attribution or identification of any party in such a manner as is reasonably likely to give a user the impression that such other party has the right to display, publish, sell or distribute this site or content accessible within this site.

You agree to cooperate with us to make sure that unauthorised co-branding, linking or other inappropriate use ceases immediately.

4. Computer offences

You agree not to use the site in any manner that might interfere with the rights of third parties or the general public.

5. Links to our site

You may make a link to our website’s homepage from your website if the content on your site meets the standards of our Acceptable Use Policy – below.

We do not endorse or associate ourselves with external businesses, if you require an endorsement or association, please seek our permission in writing.

6. Links from our site

Links from our site to other sites are only for information. We do not accept responsibility for other sites or any loss you may suffer from using them.

Such links are not maintained by, or related to, us. The inclusion of any hyperlink to a third-party site does not imply endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation by us of that site. Hyperlinks to other sites are provided as a service to users. We do not undertake to review external sites and are not responsible for their content or use policies.

By linking to another site you are leaving our website, and you, therefore, become subject to the terms and conditions of the linked site.

7. Disclaimer

We do not make any express or implied warranty, representation or endorsement whatsoever in respect of your use of this site, the service or content provided. We expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, the service, the content of any product or service provided or to be provided via the site.

If you purchase a product or service from us, you are responsible for ensuring, in advance, that the product or service will meet your purpose. We do not warrant that the functions provided by the site or the service will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free, or that defects in the site or the service will be corrected within a particular time period.

We do not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the content, or that any errors in the content will be corrected. The site, the service and the content are provided on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis.

Our products or services are not targeted towards children.

8. Limitation on liability

We use reasonable skill and care in the provision of the site, but we make no representation or warranty that the site will be uninterrupted or error-free or fit for your purpose. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of material on our site or that the site will meet your requirements.

As far as legally possible, we exclude legal responsibility for any loss to you arising from use of our site.

We also exclude, as far as legally possible, all terms and warranties or promises implied by law or by statute.

We don’t exclude legal responsibility for death or personal injury owing to our negligence, or legal responsibility for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, or for anything else where exclusion is not allowed by the law.

9. Indemnity

You will indemnify and hold our company, and anyone associated with our company (including, but not restricted to, subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors, content providers, service providers, employees, agents, officers, directors and contractors) harmless from any breach of these terms of use by you, including any use of content from our site or from our company.

10. Variation

These Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time at our discretion. Updates will be posted on the website; you must check for changes because they are binding on you. Your use of this site constitutes your acknowledgement and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

11. Trademark

IRATE® is our UK-registered trademark.

Acceptable Use Terms

12. What you must NOT do

You must NOT use the site to do any of the following:

  • Break any laws or regulations
  • Do anything fraudulent, or which has a fraudulent effect
  • Harm or attempt to harm minors
  • Do anything with material that does not meet our content standards (listed below)
  • Do anything with unsolicited advertising material (known as ‘spam’)
  • Transmit any data or material that is harmful to other programs, software, or hardware (for example, viruses, Trojan horses, worms, etc.)
  • Copy in any way or re-sell any part of our site (unless we allow it under our website terms)
  • Interfere with or damage any part of our site, equipment, network, software or storage arrangements

13. Content standards

These content standards apply to all material that you contribute to our site and to all interactive services. Please follow these standards and follow the spirit of them.

Your contributions must be:

  • Accurate (if they are factual)
  • Genuine (if they state opinions)
  • Within the law

Your contributions must NOT be:

  • Defamatory, obscene or offensive
  • Likely to deceive, harass, annoy, threaten, or invade someone else’s privacy

And they must not:

  • Promote material that is sexually explicit
  • Promote violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, belief, nationality, age, disability, marital status or civil partnership, gender reassignment, pregnancy or sexual orientation
  • Infringe anyone else’s intellectual property
  • Be used to impersonate anyone, or misrepresent anyone’s identity
  • Encourage or assist anything that breaks the law, breaches a legal duty owed to a third party (such as confidentiality) or promotes illegal activity.

14. Interactive services

Our standards for interactive services (for example, chat rooms/bulletin boards) are as follows:

  • We will tell you clearly about the service
  • We will tell you what form of moderation we use for the site
  • We will try to assess risks on the site and will moderate if we think it is appropriate

Please note, however, that we are not required to moderate our interactive service. We are not responsible for any loss to anyone who does not use our site according to our standards (whether or not we have moderated the service).

15. Suspension and termination

If we think you have breached this policy, we will take whatever steps we think are necessary. These might include:

  • Stopping your use of the site temporarily or permanently
  • Removing material you have put on the site
  • Sending you a warning
  • Taking legal action
  • Telling the right authorities

We exclude legal responsibility and cost for actions we take to deal with your breach of our policy.

16. Applicable Law

The English courts have the only right to hear claims related to our site, and all disputes are governed by English law.

17. Contact us

If you have questions or concerns regarding our terms of use, please contact us via e-mail at hello@paulclaireaux.com. If we need to respond to your communication, we will use the email address you have provided to us.

These terms were last revised on 2 September 2022