
Best career advice ever

Got too much work?

Best career advice ever

This brilliant quote is from Indira Gandhi,

Planning to be a parent?

Happy couple

Planning to be a parent?

Take a look at this short video about the pensions gap that can open up when one parent (typically ‘mum’) takes time off to raise children.

Master your money

learn about money

Master your money

So, why would you bother learning to master your money? After all, if you hit a snag (which we all do, from time to time) you can simply ‘Google’ the answer… and everything will be fine, right? Well no, Google can’t help here… and it’s worth knowing why because it’s the biggest reason we all…

Who is the hero in your business?

Cheering the hero

Who is the hero in your business?

When we think about who to position as the hero in our business… we’ll often think about ways to raise our own brand profile… and about what else we need to do to prove that we’re leaders (or ‘thought leaders’) in our field. But, whatever our ambition, we should never forget that the person who…

Rhino Ron likes to ‘charge’

New Fee basis 1

Rhino Ron likes to ‘charge’

Ron is a Rhino. So, he likes to charge 😉 In fact, he charges rather too much and knows his clients are getting wise to this. So, he’s decided to step into the 21st century… with a new ‘fixed fee’ basis of charging; here’s how he explains it.

What can you change in your life?

Serenity to accept

What can you change in your life?

What can you change? I just love this advice on the things we can and cannot change.