Posts Tagged ‘what matters to you’

How to prevent arguments about money

and minimise the need to talk about money at all.

Angry with my partner

How to prevent arguments about money

and minimise the need to talk about money at all.

If you have arguments about money with your partner – or you sense an argument is brewing – this Insight is for you. You might also find this Insight useful even if ‘money is no problem’ in your home, currently, or to share it to help others.

Build more trust in your business

and help build trust in an industry

Build trust in your business

Build more trust in your business

and help build trust in an industry

If you manage (or run the marketing for) a financial services business – offering advice, financial products or both – then this Insight is for you. If you’re a customer of financial services – you might find it interesting too 😊

Local Networking groups. What are they good for?

Absolutely nothing to some - and plenty to others


Local Networking groups. What are they good for?

Absolutely nothing to some - and plenty to others

If you’re a small business owner or ‘solopreneur’ (like me) this Insight on Networking is for you. This is a follow-up to an earlier Insight on dealing with networking nerves and if your Networking group offers good prospects for you but you suffer from networking nerves, just read that Insight. Here I’ll challenge the idea…

Planning to be a parent?

Great. Just be sure to grasp the money issues too.

Happy couple

Planning to be a parent?

Great. Just be sure to grasp the money issues too.

Take a look at this short video about the pensions gap that can open up when one parent (typically ‘mum’) takes time off to raise children.

Master your money

and free up your life

learn about money

Master your money

and free up your life

So, why would you bother learning to master your money? After all, if you hit a snag (which we all do, from time to time) you can simply ‘Google’ the answer… and everything will be fine, right? Well no, Google can’t help here… and it’s worth knowing why because it’s the biggest reason we all…

Who is the hero in your business?

You or your customer?

Cheering the hero

Who is the hero in your business?

You or your customer?

When we think about who to position as the hero in our business… we’ll often think about ways to raise our own brand profile… and about what else we need to do to prove that we’re leaders (or ‘thought leaders’) in our field. But, whatever our ambition, we should never forget that the person who…

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