
Why would you want to get in the Flow?

Get in the flow

Why would you want to get in the Flow?

If you’re striving to achieve more of the things that matter to you, this Insight on getting into the ‘Flow’ will help. 2 to 5 minute read, depending on your speed.

How much risk is right for you?

Four Factors to decide on risk

How much risk is right for you?

Whether you’re an existing investor or just starting out, you might be confused by all the ‘mumbo jumbo’ jargon about investment risk. Well, don’t worry, most people, including some advisers, are confused about this stuff too, and for good reason, as you’ll find out here.

Does your adviser really understand risk?

Mencken. Clear, Simple & Wrong. Paul Claireaux

Does your adviser really understand risk?

Benoit Mandelbrot had a beautiful mind for risk. A Polish-born, French and American mathematician – he was the guy who discovered the idea of “self-similarity” in nature. You may have heard the term ‘Fractal’ which he coined to describe the beautiful and ‘apparently complex’ shapes in nature. This extraordinary simple concept explains how snowflakes are…

Why you might want to accept the occasional step back

Brault. Taking a step back

Why you might want to accept the occasional step back

With a lot of our goals, we often follow one step backwards, with two more – in the same direction! In this short Insight, I’ll look at how Catastrophic thinking causes this, and start to explore how we might overcome it.

25 great quotes on science and truth

25 great quotes on science and truth

Here are a few of my favourite quotes on science and truth.

What is selling really about?

What's selling all about

What is selling really about?

Most people in business say ‘I don’t like selling’ or ‘I don’t want our marketing to be salesy‘ … and I absolutely get that. No one wants to be viewed as a ‘cheezy, sleazy’ salesperson, do they? But if being ‘salesy’ is absolutely not what selling is about, what’s the secret?