Plan your Life

10 steps to project success (1&2)

Steps 1 and 2: The ‘Why’ and the ‘What’

10 steps to project success (1&2)

10 steps to project success (1&2)

Steps 1 and 2: The ‘Why’ and the ‘What’

If you’re striving for more success on an important project (at home, in your job or your own business), this new series of Insights is for you. Here I’ll share 10 fundamental steps for getting your project on the road to success… …or cancelled as quickly as possible if it needs to be – before…

How financial education helps you

and could possibly save you a fortune in fees

Road Trip

How financial education helps you

and could possibly save you a fortune in fees

Are you open to thought experiments and new ideas? What if this idea could save you, or earn you, several thousands of pounds? Well, if like the sound of that, read on, because this one’s for you.

How to prevent arguments about money

and minimise the need to talk about money at all.

Angry with my partner

How to prevent arguments about money

and minimise the need to talk about money at all.

If you have arguments about money with your partner – or you sense an argument is brewing – this Insight is for you. You might also find this Insight useful even if ‘money is no problem’ in your home, currently, or to share it to help others.

Master your money

and free up your life

learn about money

Master your money

and free up your life

So, why would you bother learning to master your money? After all, if you hit a snag (which we all do, from time to time) you can simply ‘Google’ the answer… and everything will be fine, right? Well no, Google can’t help here… and it’s worth knowing why because it’s the biggest reason we all…

How not to choose a coach

And how to choose the right one

No one cares what you know

How not to choose a coach

And how to choose the right one

I guess we all use advisers or coaches for help – from time to time – in different areas of our lives. But how do you choose a good one?

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