Smarter Investment Ideas

Stockmarket levels now


Stockmarket levels now

So, how’s the UK Stockmarket looking now? Is it safe to invest your life’s savings? This is a big question – with many possible ways of answering it – but if you had to choose just one key number for some guidance on whether Stock-markets are over (or under) priced at any given time – what…

The Japanese stock market bubble

And what we can learn from it

Japan bubble

The Japanese stock market bubble

And what we can learn from it

In 1989 the Japanese bubble (in property and stock markets) was fully inflated. The Japanese were enjoying what they – and the rest of the world – thought was an economic miracle.

What are the chances of that?

A double six

What are the chances of that?

What are the chances of rolling a double six? Well that’s easy – it’s 1 in 36. The chance of rolling a six is 1 in 6 (1/6 as a fraction) . . . so the chance of rolling two sixes is 1/6 x 1/6 = 1/36. Okay, so if probabilities are this easy, can…

How FREE seminars cost you a fortune

How FREE seminars cost you a fortune

[clickToTweet tweet=”How FREE seminars CAN cost you a fortune” quote=”How FREE seminars CAN cost you a fortune” theme=”style3″] So let’s talk about the risks that you take – and the value you get – when you attend FREE seminars about investing your money. We all need some basic education about money. The question is where do…

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