Smarter Investment Ideas

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Minsky. Stability to Instability. Paul Claireaux

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Whatever your interest (or leaning) in politics, and unless you’re very young, you surely can’t have missed Theresa May’s promise of stability and certainty in the run up to the messy 2017 UK election.

The Price is Right is a game show

Not a reliable guide to the stock-market

The price is right

The Price is Right is a game show

Not a reliable guide to the stock-market

If you’ve only ever heard the theory of investing that says, ‘the price is always right’… then you’ve only heard half the story. And that can be dangerous at times like this.

How much risk is right for you?

on each of your financial life goals

Four Factors to decide on risk

How much risk is right for you?

on each of your financial life goals

Whether you’re an existing investor or just starting out, you might be confused by all the ‘mumbo jumbo’ jargon about investment risk. Well, don’t worry, most people, including some advisers, are confused about this stuff too, and for good reason, as you’ll find out here.

Does your adviser really understand risk?

And should you find out sooner rather than later?

Mencken. Clear, Simple & Wrong. Paul Claireaux

Does your adviser really understand risk?

And should you find out sooner rather than later?

Benoit Mandelbrot had a beautiful mind for risk. A Polish-born, French and American mathematician – he was the guy who discovered the idea of “self-similarity” in nature. You may have heard the term ‘Fractal’ which he coined to describe the beautiful and ‘apparently complex’ shapes in nature. This extraordinary simple concept explains how snowflakes are…

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Joe and Naomi

Can you help (spread betting) Joe?

Or any of your friends from getting sucked into this hideous gambling activity?

Updated following the tragic recent death of ‘day trader’ Alex Kearns. This Insight is aimed at helping anyone (like my fictional character Joe, in the story below) to understand the real and horrendous risks of spread betting before it’s too late. Please share with your friends.

How to overcome fear

without trying to avoid it

Fear of freefall

How to overcome fear

without trying to avoid it

If you google ‘How to overcome fear?’ you’ll find c. 250 million results… and that’s quite a lot of stuff to read 😉 What’s interesting though, is that there are three times as many Google results (750 million) on the question of ‘How to avoid fear?’ So, when you get fearful about certain matters, as…

The cappuccino savings plan

And the remarkable story of compound returns

Cappuccino £50,000

The cappuccino savings plan

And the remarkable story of compound returns

Hey, have you heard about my cappuccino savings idea? No, well how would you like to, build a fund of £50,000 (or more) for the price of a coffee each day?

Don’t worry be happy

Is not the investment advice you need right now

Don't worry be happy

Don’t worry be happy

Is not the investment advice you need right now

“Don’t worry be happy” is a cheery little song. But for goodness sake, let’s not confuse it – as some ‘market fanatic’ investment promoters do – with being great investment advice. That, it is not.

Should you invest in bitcoin?

Or are you a teeny bit late?

Bye bye Bitcoin

Should you invest in bitcoin?

Or are you a teeny bit late?

Please note the date of this article. Yes, it needs an update but the key points remain valid. In early December 2017, a friend of mine asked me if he should invest in bitcoin? So, I wrote this article for him at that time. And a few weeks later he was quite angry at me…

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