Behavioural Traps

One good thing about Trump

One good thing about Trump

This political type of Insight is rare for me but this issue comes down to human behaviour and I have something to say about that. Yesterday, Donald Trump took a another big step towards chaos in the USA – and around the world – with his latest ‘executive order’ – on immigration.

Time to break bad habits

Bad habits to break

Time to break bad habits

If you’ve ever tried to break a bad habit – or you know someone who has – you’ll know it isn’t easy. Of course, there are plenty of products on sale that “promise” to help us with various bad habits – but we need to check the evidence (with our doctor if appropriate) to see…

How to really help your loved ones

Amazed Child

How to really help your loved ones

[clickToTweet tweet=”How to help others by helping them less!” quote=”How to help others by helping them less!” theme=”style3″] Hey there, I heard a funny (and true) story about parental help recently. A student was running late – very late – with a piece of college work and tried to cram a week’s worth of effort…

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