Advice to Avoid

How to write a strong news story

but why reading those stories can mislead you

how to write a strong news story

How to write a strong news story

but why reading those stories can mislead you

What makes for a strong news story? In this Insight, I’ll share what a media trainer told me about that. I’ll also offer my own views on how the ‘strong news’ approach creates misleading and potentially harmful stories about money, investing and pensions and what you can do about it.

Throw away your dream board

and visualize the right thing

Dream Boards

Throw away your dream board

and visualize the right thing

A lot of personal coaches will tell you that to boost your chances of success on your biggest life goals, you need to imagine yourself having achieved that goal. Many will also suggest that you create a dream board (aka Vision Board) with colourful pictures of everything you want, or believe you will become, to…

How not to choose a coach

And how to choose the right one

No one cares what you know

How not to choose a coach

And how to choose the right one

I guess we all use advisers or coaches for help – from time to time – in different areas of our lives. But how do you choose a good one?

Rhino Ron on expensive pensions

and why they don't have to be

Pension too costly 1

Rhino Ron on expensive pensions

and why they don't have to be

Rhino Ron is a bad adviser, who’s dimwitted and charges too much. Here he explains just one reason why pension quotations are often so ridiculously high.

Don’t worry be happy

Is not the investment advice you need right now

Don't worry be happy

Don’t worry be happy

Is not the investment advice you need right now

“Don’t worry be happy” is a cheery little song. But for goodness sake, let’s not confuse it – as some ‘market fanatic’ investment promoters do – with being great investment advice. That, it is not.

This is the Education your team wants

And will love you for bringing it to them

This is the education

This is the Education your team wants

And will love you for bringing it to them

As an employer, you know that financial education is one of the most valuable gifts you can make to your staff. But what sort of education will they value most? And who would they want to provide it?

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