Achieving more

What could you learn about money?

helping you achieve more

What could you learn about money?

What would YOU like to learn  – about managing your money  – for the long term? You’ll need to learn the fundamentals of course – and I can make this FUN – by showing you: How to connect your money – to what matters in your life and How to CUT the cost of saving for…

Communicate like Churchill

Churchill. Through Hell.

Communicate like Churchill

Winston Churchill was famous for many things but perhaps his greatest asset was his speaking power. People follow leaders who communicate well. That said, we’ve been reminded this year, that some people follow overconfident fools. A subject we’ll come back to another time. Today I want to focus on what Churchill did differently to make…

Gina Miller is right

Gina Miller is right

I try to avoid writing on Political matters. There’s so much nonsense written about it – I prefer not to add to the noise. But right now, I feel the need to speak out.

Time to break bad habits

Bad habits to break

Time to break bad habits

If you’ve ever tried to break a bad habit – or you know someone who has – you’ll know it isn’t easy. Of course, there are plenty of products on sale that “promise” to help us with various bad habits – but we need to check the evidence (with our doctor if appropriate) to see…

The day of the dead

Day of the dead

The day of the dead

Hey there, I just wanted to share a couple of videos with you – on this most amazing ‘day of the dead’ festival in mexico. You may recall it from the opening scenes of ‘Spectre’ the James Bond Film – if you follow that genre 😉 But did you know that this festival also contributes greatly to…




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How to really help your loved ones

Amazed Child

How to really help your loved ones

[clickToTweet tweet=”How to help others by helping them less!” quote=”How to help others by helping them less!” theme=”style3″] Hey there, I heard a funny (and true) story about parental help recently. A student was running late – very late – with a piece of college work and tried to cram a week’s worth of effort…

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