Master your money
and free up your life

So, why would you bother learning to master your money?
After all, if you hit a snag (which we all do, from time to time) you can simply ‘Google’ the answer… and everything will be fine, right?
Well no, Google can’t help here… and it’s worth knowing why because it’s the biggest reason we all need to learn to master our own money.
Reason 1 (of 5) … you are unique
Seriously, you are unique – as are we all of course.
Just think about it… your life goals are completely unique to you, whatever they are…
… as are your ideas on the best ways for YOU to achieve them.
What’s more, the things that matter, for planning your money, are all completely unique to you:
- Your income – from your business or work.
- Your financial and material assets.
- Your intellectual property assets (like books or music or art you create)
- Your other personal assets – your knowledge, skills and strengths.
- Your life experiences – and your family situation.
- Your health.
- Your attitude to investment and other risks and
- Your capacity* to take those risks
*which, by the way, will likely vary on each of your life goals. More on that another time…
So, despite what you may read every day, about: how to save or invest your money OR how to develop and run your business, just remember…
… there are NO rules of thumb… and no one has all the answers for you… because there are no ‘one size fits all’ solutions.
Your need to learn this stuff – is really good news
Of course, it might seem like bad news that you need to learn this stuff or when I point out that there are NO newspapers, magazines, blog articles, apps or books (including my own which is, apparently, one of the best) 😊 that can give you a ready-made plan for your money…
… and some of these newspapers and blogs get quite a lot of the facts wrong too – as we learned here.
However, believe it or not, this is actually really good news because it’ll save you from hundreds of hours of wasted time, reading around this stuff and searching for that elusive plan.
What’s more, you can learn to draw up your own, solid financial life plan, in a single day… with the right teacher.
It’s really not as difficult as you might think – or as ‘some’ people like to make out.
Four more reasons to learn this stuff:
Undertake a proper day’s training in financial planning (from someone experienced and qualified in this stuff) and you can learn:
- A powerful and proven process to connect your money to what matters in your life, your goals for yourself and your loved ones.
- A process you can use, time and again, throughout your life… to review and re-plan your financial goals whenever you want to… and without spending more on expert advice.
- A solid way to estimate how much to save for your big financial life goals – including retirement.
- A solid idea of how to choose the right types of fund (and boxes) for investing and saving your money into.
With this training, unlike some ‘ad hoc’ lessons that you might receive from some financial advisers as part of their advice process… there’s no risk that anyone will try to sell you a financial product or wealth management service…
… because I don’t sell financial products…
My focus is on financial education – pure and simple.
Tell me about your learning needs.
To tell me what you’re most interested in learning about (around money) please click the image that most closely matches your needs.
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As a thank you for taking part in this survey I’ll send you a free chapter of my book, ‘Who misleads you about money?’
For that and future ideas from me, look out for my e-mail to confirm sign up… and if it lands in your ‘junk’ folder, move it to your main inbox right away.
If you don’t want my newsletter, simply ignore my confirmation e-mail and either way – thanks for taking part 🙂
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Where can you get these lessons?
Well, you can come to me or, if you’re not too far away… I can come to you.
You can have these lessons in private OR, at a much lower cost, as part of a group.
Check out my current prices here.
Rest assured, if you go for the group option…
I don’t ask anyone to say anything about their personal finances, nor do I tell anyone what they “should” do with their money.
This is about me giving you insights and ideas – that’s all.
Powerful and proven processes to take away
You’ll also get to take away some powerful and proven processes for planning your money…
so, if you have a group of people (at work or outside) who could benefit from learning how to plan their money… just contact me here and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Fun to learn and easy to remember
My goal is to provide you (or your group), with a fun way to learn these high-value ideas for planning your money.
I’ll provide you with a visual road-map method, to help you do this…
...and this process will last you a lifetime, regardless of what’s going on in the world … or the direction of interest rates or the stock market.
What’s more, you’ll never forget these lessons because I make them super easy to remember.
Two core processes you’ll never forget
You see, at the heart of these lessons are two core processes.
The first will help you to plan your money for the long term.
Whilst the second will give you the very best way to rate any investment…that anyone could ever put to you…before you jump into it.
Both of these processes can be remembered with one simple, 5 letter, acronym – that spells the word IRATE 😉
So, as I like to say…
There’s no need to get cross about your money…
as long as you remember to get IRATE 😉
But don’t take my word on the value of this workshop
And if that’s of interest – just contact me here
Thanks for dropping in,
For more ideas to make more of your money and earn more of it too … Join my Facebook Group or sign up to my Newsletter and…
as a thank you, I’ll send you my ‘5 Steps for planning your Financial Freedom’ … and the first chapter of my book, ‘Who misleads you about money?’
If you’d like more frequent ideas (and more interaction) …join my facebook group here
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