IRATE the Book

Hey there, so this is the cover of forthcoming book, ‘IRATE’ and I’m happy to tell you what IRATE means – right now. 

IRATE stands for three things:

It’s a powerful (and proven) 5 step process . . .

for planning your own financial life and . . .

. . . saving yourself hundreds (or thousands) in (£ or $) in fees from advisers.

It’s also a process for assessing (“rating” 😉 ) . . .

. . . any investment – that anyone puts to you – BEFORE you jump into it.

which could also save you thousands (or tens of thousands) over time.

And finally, I just think that

IRATE is a ruddy good word

Don’t you?

After all, it reflects – precisely- how many people FEEL about the scammers and rogues who try to rip us off every day.

Download my 5 “IRATE” steps

If you’d like an outline of these 5 IRATE steps.

So you can start planning your Financial Freedom now.

Just sign up to Newsletters today

I’ll also send you updates on the ideas I’m putting into this book.

And, if you’re in a hurry to get started . . .

. . . get over to Bristol for one of my ‘live’ one day workshops.

I’ll be happy to teach you everything that will be in the book.

AND you can ask me the questions that matter to YOU.

AND I’ll send you a signed copy of the book (for FREE) when it’s published.

Hope to see you soon

All the best


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