
Why it can be boring, expensive or dangerous to learn about money

learning about money is boring

Why it can be boring, expensive or dangerous to learn about money

If you really want to learn about money – but find the subject leaves you baffled or bored – you’re not alone and this Insight is for you. (Financial experts might find it interesting too)

How to prevent arguments about money

Angry with my partner

How to prevent arguments about money

If you have arguments about money with your partner – or you sense an argument is brewing – this Insight is for you. You might also find this Insight useful even if ‘money is no problem’ in your home, currently, or to share it to help others.

Build more trust in your business

Build trust in your business

Build more trust in your business

If you manage (or run the marketing for) a financial services business – offering advice, financial products or both – then this Insight is for you. If you’re a customer of financial services – you might find it interesting too 😊

Why there’s no F in change

Leaping for change

Why there’s no F in change

If you want to make a change in your life, to achieve more for yourself or your loved ones, this is the best way to start that journey. This Insight is one of many you’ll find on this site that explores solid (evidence-based) ideas to help you with personal change. If you like this one,…

Local Networking groups. What are they good for?


Local Networking groups. What are they good for?

If you’re a small business owner or ‘solopreneur’ (like me) this Insight on Networking is for you. This is a follow-up to an earlier Insight on dealing with networking nerves and if your Networking group offers good prospects for you but you suffer from networking nerves, just read that Insight. Here I’ll challenge the idea…

Help your children to help you more

Help your children help you more

Help your children to help you more

Children… doing more around the house? Yes, I know it sounds impossible, but it’s not. So, let’s get straight into this.