Posts Tagged ‘risk’

10 money monsters, and how to tackle them

starting with one that stops you tackling the rest

10 money monsters

10 money monsters, and how to tackle them

starting with one that stops you tackling the rest

Do you ever get the feeling that your money is a monster – and one that’s best avoided? Don’t worry; you’re not alone, and this NEW series of Insights will help you take more control of your money, rather than have it control you!

Why you need to beware of goal obsession

and how it could literally kill you

Aircraft into storm

Why you need to beware of goal obsession

and how it could literally kill you

If you’re planning to travel by aeroplane again (at some time in the future!) you’ll be pleased to know that pilots are trained to avoid goal obsession. In this short Insight, I want to explore why you need to avoid goal obsession too – and why you need to be extra ‘wary’ of those around…

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Minsky. Stability to Instability. Paul Claireaux

The myth of stability and certainty

And where to learn the truth of what we have instead

Whatever your interest (or leaning) in politics, and unless you’re very young, you surely can’t have missed Theresa May’s promise of stability and certainty in the run up to the messy 2017 UK election.

The Price is Right is a game show

Not a reliable guide to the stock-market

The price is right

The Price is Right is a game show

Not a reliable guide to the stock-market

If you’ve only ever heard the theory of investing that says, ‘the price is always right’… then you’ve only heard half the story. And that can be dangerous at times like this.

How much risk is right for you?

on each of your financial life goals

Four Factors to decide on risk

How much risk is right for you?

on each of your financial life goals

Whether you’re an existing investor or just starting out, you might be confused by all the ‘mumbo jumbo’ jargon about investment risk. Well, don’t worry, most people, including some advisers, are confused about this stuff too, and for good reason, as you’ll find out here.

Does your adviser really understand risk?

And should you find out sooner rather than later?

Mencken. Clear, Simple & Wrong. Paul Claireaux

Does your adviser really understand risk?

And should you find out sooner rather than later?

Benoit Mandelbrot had a beautiful mind for risk. A Polish-born, French and American mathematician – he was the guy who discovered the idea of “self-similarity” in nature. You may have heard the term ‘Fractal’ which he coined to describe the beautiful and ‘apparently complex’ shapes in nature. This extraordinary simple concept explains how snowflakes are…

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

What's selling all about

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

Most people in business say ‘I don’t like selling’ or ‘I don’t want our marketing to be salesy‘ … and I absolutely get that. No one wants to be viewed as a ‘cheezy, sleazy’ salesperson, do they? But if being ‘salesy’ is absolutely not what selling is about, what’s the secret?

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