Posts Tagged ‘Financial Education’

10 money monsters, and how to tackle them

starting with one that stops you tackling the rest

10 money monsters

10 money monsters, and how to tackle them

starting with one that stops you tackling the rest

Do you ever get the feeling that your money is a monster – and one that’s best avoided? Don’t worry; you’re not alone, and this NEW series of Insights will help you take more control of your money, rather than have it control you!

12 reasons to offer Financial Education

and one reason not to.

12 reasons for financial education

12 reasons to offer Financial Education

and one reason not to.

Creating (or helping others to create) an engaging financial education programme delivers enormous value to any financial services business. It’s a great way to contribute to making the world a better place too. If you offer financial advice or products or both or you provide Marketing, Website Design, Videography or Speaker training services to this…

Helping you build trust in your business

In a Post Covid (non face-to-face) World

build trust post covid. Paul Claireaux

Helping you build trust in your business

In a Post Covid (non face-to-face) World

If you offer advice or coaching (of any kind) and you’ve previously relied heavily on face-to-face contact to build (and maintain) trust with your clients, you might feel that your world has been turned upside down.

The Price is Right is a game show

Not a reliable guide to the stock-market

The price is right

The Price is Right is a game show

Not a reliable guide to the stock-market

If you’ve only ever heard the theory of investing that says, ‘the price is always right’… then you’ve only heard half the story. And that can be dangerous at times like this.

How much risk is right for you?

on each of your financial life goals

Four Factors to decide on risk

How much risk is right for you?

on each of your financial life goals

Whether you’re an existing investor or just starting out, you might be confused by all the ‘mumbo jumbo’ jargon about investment risk. Well, don’t worry, most people, including some advisers, are confused about this stuff too, and for good reason, as you’ll find out here.

How to write a strong news story

but why reading those stories can mislead you

how to write a strong news story

How to write a strong news story

but why reading those stories can mislead you

What makes for a strong news story? In this Insight, I’ll share what a media trainer told me about that. I’ll also offer my own views on how the ‘strong news’ approach creates misleading and potentially harmful stories about money, investing and pensions and what you can do about it.

How to write stuff worth reading

and do something worth writing about

Franklin: Not be forgotten when you're dead and rotten

How to write stuff worth reading

and do something worth writing about

In this second in a series of Insights on writing (for financial advisers and product providers), I’ll explore how you can achieve both of Franklin’s goals by writing just one series of articles. Also, for anyone happy to forego the ‘fame’ opportunity, I’ll look at the minimum goals you’ll want to set for your client-facing…

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