Posts Tagged ‘Business advice’

12 reasons to offer Financial Education

and one reason not to.

12 reasons for financial education

12 reasons to offer Financial Education

and one reason not to.

Creating (or helping others to create) an engaging financial education programme delivers enormous value to any financial services business. It’s a great way to contribute to making the world a better place too. If you offer financial advice or products or both or you provide Marketing, Website Design, Videography or Speaker training services to this…

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

What's selling all about

What is selling really about?

and why you simply can't avoid it.

Most people in business say ‘I don’t like selling’ or ‘I don’t want our marketing to be salesy‘ … and I absolutely get that. No one wants to be viewed as a ‘cheezy, sleazy’ salesperson, do they? But if being ‘salesy’ is absolutely not what selling is about, what’s the secret?

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

Start with why but...

Start with why but…

don't forget what, when, how, where and who

A great many business and marketing consultants have fallen in love with Simon Sinek and his book, ‘Start with why’… but not everyone is that keen on Sinek’s ideas, and here’s why!

How to manage your workers for success

and have great relationships too

Elements of people management

How to manage your workers for success

and have great relationships too

If you lead or manage others, you know how hard it can be to get everything right, about this people management game right, all of the time. And, if you’re already working flat out, to develop and run your own business, the challenge can be simply overwhelming. So, in this Insight, we look at how…

Local Networking groups. What are they good for?

Absolutely nothing to some - and plenty to others


Local Networking groups. What are they good for?

Absolutely nothing to some - and plenty to others

If you’re a small business owner or ‘solopreneur’ (like me) this Insight on Networking is for you. This is a follow-up to an earlier Insight on dealing with networking nerves and if your Networking group offers good prospects for you but you suffer from networking nerves, just read that Insight. Here I’ll challenge the idea…

Self employed solace

Self employed solace

The government (rightly) backed down on this change – after I’d written this article. But I’m leaving it here because I suspect that this change, or something similar, will occur after the next election.

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